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Test-News Nr. 2

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Yes, Admiral? Our ships have sighted the Millennium Falcon, lord. But...it has entered an asteroid field and we cannot risk... Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral. I want that ship and not excuses. Yes, lord. I'm going to shut down everything but the emergency power systems.


Lord Vader. You may take Captain Solo to Jabba the Hut after I have Skywalker. He's no good to me dead. He will not be permanently damaged. Lord Vader, what about Leia and the Wookiee? They must never again leave this city. That was never a condition of our agreement, nor was giving Han to this bounty hunter! Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly. No. Good. It would be unfortunate if I had to leave a garrison here. This deal's getting worse all the time.

Artoo expresses his relief, also. How are you feeling, kid? You don't look so bad to me. In fact, you look strong enough to pull the ears off a Gundark. Thanks to you. That's two you owe me, junior. Well your Worship, looks like you managed to keep me around for a little while longer. I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we've activated the energy shield. That's a good story. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.

Luke, we're ready for takeoff. Good luck, Lando When we find Jabba the Hut and that bounty hunter, we'll contact you. I'll meet you at the rendezvous point on Tatooine. Princess, we'll find Han. I promise. Chewie, I'll be waiting for your signal. Take care, you two. May the Force be with you. Ow!

Feeling all right, sir? Just like new, Dack. How about you? Right now I feel I could take on the whole Empire myself. I know what you mean. Echo Station Three-T-Eight. We have spotted Imperial walkers! Imperial walkers on the north ridge. Echo station Five-Seven. We're on our way. All right, boys, keep tight now. Luke, I have no approach vector. I'm not set. Steady, Dack. Attack pattern delta. Go now! All right, I'm coming in. Hobbie, you still with me? That armor's too strong for blasters.
